Reflective Blog #2: Research in Educational Technology
Landauer, T., Lochbaum, K., & Dooley, S. (2009). A new formative assessment technology for reading and writing. Theory Into Practice, 48(1), 44-52. doi: 10.1080/00405840802577593
Thomas K. Landauer, Karen E. Lochbaum, and Scott Dooley lead the study of newer technologies behind aspects of reading comprehension and ability writing. These researchers assess how the WriteToLearn program. The article depicts two tables which illustrate the following components. The WriteToLearn program consists of two parts: Summary Street and Intelligent Essay Assessor (IEA). Summary Street assists students in improving writing styles, pinpointing any areas of weakness, and then submits feedback to the student. The student is able to resubmit material more than once. It “..helps build lasing ease in understanding and writing well and with pleasure.” IEA reviews writing samples for any potential errors in grammatical format. The authors note the reason for this study is to increase the likelihood of student participation in reading comprehension and writing, which sometimes can be a challenge. Two of the authors do not have teaching backgrounds; however, the study involves varying grade levels of students in order to achieve differentiating results applicable to a wide range of capabilities.